Thursday, October 15, 2009

Pole Dancing

When one thinks of dancing, words like grace and musicality come to mind. In dance competitions, we always hear people talk about strength and athleticism. When someone says pole-dancing, we think of words like 'sleazy' or 'stripper'.

Watch this video and see what words come to mind. My personal reaction: awe. I watched with my jaw dropped....especially around 3:19. A-MAZING! The amount of control she has. The strength of her legs. It's unbelievable. Like I said, A-MAZING! She should be in a Cirque du Soleil show. (PS. I like the song choice)

Edit: After some research, it turns out that our girl in the video actually dances for Cirque du Soleil.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Tapped out...

I am tapped out...spent...

I am on my 7th application essay and my brain has decided to quit on me. My body already quit on my this past weekend. I didn't think my brain would follow suit so soon.

I have 9 more to write after the 7th is done. Do I have it in me? Do I have enough creative juices left? God, I hope so.


Monday, October 5, 2009


When I was younger, I never understood why my mom never let me take piano lessons. I REALLY wanted to learn but apparently she was traumatized by her experience and she didn't want us to go through the same. I wish she let us take lessons anyway and decide whether we didn't like it or not.

I could've been this little girl: (well, maybe not)