Friday, July 10, 2009

On writing...and other stuff

Do you sometimes feel like you have something to say but don't know how to quite say it? You know that knawing feeling deep in your system that you just don't know how to put it into words? It's frustrating. Which is why I envy writers.

I've always loved to write but I feel that I always fall short - short on creativity, short on imagination, short on words. Well, maybe not so short on creativity and imagination. It's the actual writing that throws me off. I have books and books of my ideas and once in a while, I'll actually start writing. But I never get past a few chapters. I always get lost and whatever I'm writing goes in a completely different direction from what I started with.

I wonder if it's because I've never really taken it seriously. I've never taken a writing course (except for the required writing class to graduate from college). I mean a creative writing class. I've never taken one of those. Also, I think it's because I take it a little too seriously. Apart from my blogs, I haven't written anything just for the heck of it. I probably should just practice. Practice, practice, practice. That's key, I think. I mean, you gotta start somewhere right? And I might as well put all the GRE words I've learned to good use. Lol.

Writing is also therapeutic for me. I always feel at peace when I'm trying to write something. It's probably because all my energy is focused on what I'm yeah, it's therapeutic. Which is ironic because it's also frustrating. It's frustrating when I know what I want but don't know how to begin. There are so many ideas that constantly run through my brain but to pick a starting point is hard. I also hate that I can't make decisions, which is probably why I can never get anything done and my stories always end up not finished - I can't decide which way I should take my story.

Ugh. Okay, rant over. Well, it was hardly a rant...

Sunday, July 5, 2009

In Bruges

I just finished watching "In Bruges". If you haven't seen it yet, you should. It's f*n hilarious - very smart and very dark but definitely hilarious.

The dialogue is awesome. It borders on ridiculous but it's quick-paced and witty. A few wtf moments for sure, which is not entirely surprising given the absurdity of the plot, yet it's somewhat refreshing to have intelligent wtf moments. You have to see it to understand what I'm saying.

The movie is not for everyone. Not everyone who watches it will enjoy it as much as I did...and I enjoyed it a lot.

My favorite lines:

Ray: Ken, I grew up in Dublin. I love Dublin. If I grew up on a farm, and was retarded, Bruges might impress me but I didn't, so it doesn't.

Ray: My arse let's go. They're filming midgets.

Ray: Maybe that's what hell is, the entire rest of eternity spent in fucking Bruges.

Ray: This is exactly my point! People going around calling you a midget when you want to be called a dwarf. Of course you're going to blow your head off.

Ray: You can't sell horse tranquilizers to a midget!

And my favorite line in the whole movie (in context both in and out of the movie, of course):

Harry: [to wife] You're an inanimate fuckin' object!