Wednesday, April 4, 2012


1. Stress is killer.  Job is cray cray and I'm also looking for an apartment since my lease is up soon (like 3 weeks soon).

2. As I take stock of my life, I realize that I don't stay in once place for too long.  I went to 3 different schools in grade school, 2 high schools, a community college, university and again another university in a different state.  Apartment-wise, the longest I've been in one place is 5 years (same goes for work).  This makes me wonder where I'll end up in the next few years or maybe I'll finally settle down somewhere (ha!).

3. It's 6am and I'm blogging and starving.  I have to switch back to night schedule soon which is tough for my body since I've been flip-flopping sleep schedules these last few days.

4.  Work politics sucks and no one ever wins.  Makes me wish sometimes that my job is unionized.

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