Tuesday, November 27, 2012


It's almost Christmas, my most favorite time of the year.  As happy as this time might be, there are some people who don't get into the holiday spirit.  I have a friend that is such and it's a shame because she doesn't seem to appreciate all she has.  It makes me kinda sad.

For me, Christmas was always the time to reflect on my life and what I have to be thankful for (I wasn't brought up celebrating Thanksgiving).  Growing up in a Catholic family, Christmas was always a time of celebration and hope.  No matter how hard life has been that year, my parents always, always, always made sure we had a great Christmas celebration.  It's not about the presents.  It's knowing that whatever is thrown your way, you will always have your family there for you.

Hope everyone has a great Christmas this year!

(PS - that is my friend Eddie's tree.  Pretty, huh?)


karengkeng said...

awwww eddie should decorate our tree! it's so purty!
merry christmas, dear db :*

cheeky_deb said...

I know....made me wish I had a tree to decorate. Haha, Merry Christmas!!