Saturday, August 29, 2009

Back in LA

I'm back in LA after a 12-day vacation in Tokyo. Tokyo was fun and a breath of fresh air. It was a nice break from my busy albeit humdrum existence in LA.

This particular vacation left me a little more appreciative of the Japanese people and their culture. It also left me a little embarrassed for how impatient, rude and disrespectful some Americans (okay, most) act (me included). I met a few tourists on this trip and by far, the rudest ones were the Americans. It's not at all surprising that the rest of the world hate Americans. Why is it that Americans feel and act as if they are entitled to everything? Again, I am included in this mix of rude and impatient Americans. However, I do not have an answer as to why we act this way. One can speculate but I think the best thing is that I am cognizant of the way I am and there is still time to change.

Hopefully, being back in LA doesn't mean I go back to my old ways. I guess we'll see. :)

A couple more things to think about...
-apart from Sumo wrestlers, I did not see fat people in Tokyo
-I'm not sure what is in the water in Tokyo but it seems that everyone had flawless skin BUT they still had ProActiv ads on TV, lol
-Sushi Zo has better sushi ;)

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